When: Thursday, August 20, 2009
How: Registration Link
The cool thing about this webinar is that is going to focused on Java data access with ODS and pureQuery and how this all complements RAD.
Previously known as IBM Data Studio Developer, Optim Development Studio
provides an integrated database development environment for Oracle, DB2, and
Informix. Come to this interactive session with product experts and learn how to use
Optim Development Studio to improve development productivity up to 50% for
developing and testing SQL and XQuery queries, stored procedures, Web services,
and Java data access layers. Also hear how Optim Development Studio extends the
Java development capabilities in Rational Application Developer.

How: Registration Link
The cool thing about this webinar is that is going to focused on Java data access with ODS and pureQuery and how this all complements RAD.
Previously known as IBM Data Studio Developer, Optim Development Studio
provides an integrated database development environment for Oracle, DB2, and
Informix. Come to this interactive session with product experts and learn how to use
Optim Development Studio to improve development productivity up to 50% for
developing and testing SQL and XQuery queries, stored procedures, Web services,
and Java data access layers. Also hear how Optim Development Studio extends the
Java development capabilities in Rational Application Developer.