Monday, June 22, 2009

The artist previously known as Data Studio

I can't help myself, but when products go through confusing names changes it always makes me think of "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince".

The product tools suite that used to be called IBM Data Studio 2.1 has been renamed to IBM Optim 2.2.
Here is a quick map of Data Studio 2.1 to Optim 2.2 product renames
IBM also announced two new products:
which is basically a summary of Curt's Optim annoucement 2.2 blog which includes links to the annoucement letters.

Not everything in the suite changed names, ie InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA) 7.5.2, DB2 PE and HPU all kept their names. However, IDA and HPU did have another release . Anson provided a short summary of some of the new features in IDA 7.5.2

If you are wondering what is in the new IBM Data Studio 2.2, that basically were you can find all the no-charge features that were spread amonest Data Studio Developer and Administrator 2.1. It is explaned in a little more detail in the Optim Forum from Kathy.

You can get access to all the Optim 2.2 Trial Code. The Optim 2.2 became generally avaiable on June 19, 2009.

Here is a link to the new and updated Optim 2.2 information center and Optim & Data Studio Space.

Holly's article on Integrated Data Management uses the new names and gives a good high level overview.

One of the big things that is new with the IBM Optim 2.2 is that Oracle support was added. Some products have had Oracle support for a long time like InfoSphere Data Architect, so in particular Optim Development Studio 2.2 added Oracle support.
Here is a great article from Sonali highlighting what's new with Optim Development Studio 2.2:

If you are still confused or want to learn more there is an upcoming Webinar on June 30, 2009 at 10 am PDT that could help:
and if you miss the the playback will be available afterwards.