Friday, October 22, 2010

IOD 2010 IBM Optim Session

Steve Rees and I are doing a session on Thursday on leveraging the DB2 LUW Performance Best Practice with Optim Performance Manager (aka OPM)

Offering    Day/Time    Session #    Title
IDA    Mon 10:15-11:15am    TDM-2341A    Modeling and Designing Databases with IBM InfoSphere Data Architect: A User Experience
OPM    Mon 10:15-11:15am    TLU-1871A    IBM Optim Performance Manager V4.1 for IBM DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Portfolio    Mon, 2:15 - 5:15pm & Drop-In Lab    HOL-1688A DIL-7004    Managing System Performance with Optim on LUW
Portfolio    Mon, 2:15-3:15pm    TDM-2597A    IBM Optim and IBM Data Studio Portfolio Strategy: Optimize Performance and Availability while Reducing Costs
DB2 Connect    Mon, 2:15-3:15pm    TDZ-3056A    IBM DB2 Connect Technology Update
QWT    Mon, 2:15-3:15pm    TDZ-1754A    Optim Query Tuning Solution: Tuning a Critical SAP Application
QT/QWT    Mon, 3:45-5pm    TDZ-1790A    Query Optimization and SQL Performance Tuning Using IBM Optim Query Tuning Offerings for DB2 for z/OS
OPM    Mon, 3:45pm - 5pm    TLU-2418A    Best Practices for Workload Management Using IBM Optim Performance Managert Best Practices Using Optim Performance Manager

Portfolio    Tue 11:15am-12:15pm    TLU-2761A    Real-Life Best Practices with IBM Optim Integrated Data Management from the GBS DBA Practitioners Perspective
Backup/Recovery    Tue, 1:45pm - 2:45pm    TLU-2144A    Delta Database Experiences Using the New Backup and Recovery Tooling for DB2 Linux, UNIX and Windows
pureQuery    Tue, 11:15am - 12:15pm    TDZ-1309A    Optim pureQuery Runtime for z/OS
Portfolio    Tue, 3-4pm    TDM-2881A    Managing the Performance of Your IBM DB2 zOS Applications by Using IBM Optim Solutions

OPM    Wed, 11:30am - 12:30pm    TLU-2135A    Troubleshooting IBM WebSphere Application Transactions on IBM DB2 with IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager and IBM Optim Performance Manager
Portfolio    Wed, 2-5pm    HOL-1566A    Manage Performance of your DB2 z/OS Applications using Optim Solutions
pureQuery    Wed, 6-7pm    BOF-2413A    Extract the most value from .NET and ODBC Applications
pureQuery    Wed, 6-7pm    BOF-2965A    End to End data security with Guardium and pureQuery
OPM    Wed, 6-7pm    BOF-1875A    Optimizing Your Business System Using IBM Optim Performance Manager

pureQuery    Thu 11:30am - 12:30pm    TDM-2573A    What's New for IBM Optim pureQuery in Enterprise Java Data Access
IDA    Thu 1-1:45pm    BOF-2803B    InfoSphere Data Architect and Data Modelers User Group
pureQuery    Thu 1-1:45pm    BOF-2777C    Optim pureQuery User Group and  Fans
Portfolio    Thu 2-3pm    TDM-2018A    Client success with an IBM Optim Performance Solution
Portfolio    Thu 8:15 - 11:15am & Drop-In Lab    HOL-1650A   DIL-7003    Best Practices Developing DB2 Applications with Optim Solutions
Portfolio    Thu 8:15-9:30am    TDM-2471A    Can You Benefit from IBM Optim Solutions? Yes! Come Hear Our Client Success Stories
Admin solutions    Thu, 11:30am - 12:30pm    TLU-1721B    Empowering DBAs with IBM Optim Administration and Tuning Tools
OPM    Thu, 3:30-4:30pm    TLU-2330B    Transforming Performance: Best Practices for Monitoring and Tuning IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
pureQuery    Drop-In Lab    DIL-1009    Auto tuning Hibernate Java Applications With DB2

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Who's who in pureXML in URLs

I was doing an introduction to a buddy of who are the various folks who work on pureXML at IBM and I thought I would share the list of names, blogs and resource links I collected. These are the folks who's blogs and tweets I follow for pureXML new.

pureXML LUW team
pureXML wiki & collection of resources
Matthias Nicola
Author of DB2 pureXML Cookbook
Susan Malaika
Queen of XML at IBM
Henrik Loeser - IT, Life, DB2, House Construction, ...
pureXML blogger
Conor O"Mahony
pureXML Evangelist
pureXML z/OS
pureXML wiki & collection of resources
Guogen Zhang
pureXML z STSM

If you are not familiar with pureXML then wikipedia might be a good start.
Also check out Susan Vissers's pureXML resource blog: